dr tab mask-01
(Vitamin D3 60K Nano Shots)
Description :D3 NANO is important to consume because it helps in the bloodstream’s digestion of calcium and phosphate
Indications: Also used in conjunction with calcium.
Dosage Form : Syrups
Benefits :used to treat low blood calcium levels.
Prescription Required :
Also Useful in:
- Exert strong immune enhancing effect
- Controls blood pressure
- Improves proper bone development & muscle contraction
- Treats refractor rickets (Vitamin D Resistant Rickets)
- Controls Hypoparathyroidism, Hypophosphatemia, Hypocalcemia
- Excellent therapy in chronic kidney disease in long term hemodialysis patients
- Easy and cost effective therapeutic measure
- Allow reduction of Vitamin D deficiency
- Extends better control of minerals metabolism
- Attenuates inflammation
- Reduces dosing of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents